Tuesday, June 2, 2009


There were two causalities in the War on Terrorism on Monday. Pvt. William Long was killed and Pvt. Quinton Ezeagwula was wounded in a attack on a military outpost by a Muslim extremist.

The facts are clear. Abdulhakim Bledsoe, aka Abdulhakim Mujahid Muhammad, armed with at least three firearms and, according to his own statements to police, acted on his religious beliefs as a practicing Muslim by driving by a military recruiting outpost in Little Rock, Arkansas and firing as many as sixteen shoots at the young, unarmed soldiers standing outside the office.

Pvt. Long was killed and Pvt. Ezeagwula was wounded in action as a direct result of enemy fire. Little Rock or Baghdad, it doesn't matter. They are causalities of armed aggression against the United States by a Muslim terrorist. They deserve the Purple Heart and to be listed as casualties of war.

Bledsoe is an enemy combatant and as such does not, and should not, have the civil protection of the constitution. He should be charged with acts of terrorism against the United States, confined in a military prison and afforded the same treatment as all other enemy combatants in the War on Terrorism.

Rev. Robert James Shand, MS. DD
Ciudad Victoria, Tamaulipas, Mexico "people should have to pay to go to church and theater should be free"

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