Thursday, March 26, 2009

Hola, from beautiful, warm and SAFE, Mexico. I watch with interest the reports on travel to Mexico. As you may imagine, I watch and read everything about traveling to Mexico because I tutor people on how to retire here.
It is true that drug dealers and the people who smuggle illegals into the States are at war with each other and sometimes the police. And it is true that EVERYONE needs to take precautions against becoming a victim of street crime. That goes for Mexico as well as Maine and every other of the United States. The crime rates in the States is rising and violent crime leads the list.
I have lived in Mexico for 2 years now and not only do I feel right at home, I feel very safe in town and traveling withing the country. Since I don't use drugs, sell drugs, coyote illegals across the border, nor do I associate with those that do, I am at a very low risk of the types of crime sensationalized in the media. Crime is always here as in every place else. People here need to be diligent and aware, just like those in Philadelphia or New Haven to minimize the potential for being victimized.
I encourage everyone who wants a pleasant, fun, exciting retirement in the sun to come here to live. For those looking for a respite, come to Mexico, bring your money, spend it wisely, and then go home to tell all of your friends how much fun you had and how inexpensive Mexico is as a tourist destination.
However, if your goal is to buy and sell drugs, get sloppy drunk, flash your wealth, be overly promiscuous, and generally act like an ass, STAY HOME. You will most likely be part of the next headline.

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